Senior Portrait Specifications


The deadline to submit senior portraits for the 2023 yearbook is Tuesday, October 31, 2023.


Portraits must follow these guidelines:

  • A digital image must be submitted to Mrs. Corbett in JPEG or PNG format via e-mail
    (, USB memory stick, or SD memory card. Images with
    photographer watermarks will not be accepted. Screen shots from your phone cannot be
  • Photo resolution must be at least 300 pixels/inch.
  • Vertical portraits taken to the student’s waist are preferred. Please be aware portraits
    taken with pets, cars, or other distracting backgrounds may be cropped. The focus of the
    yearbook portrait is your face.
  • School dress code must be followed. No tanks or sleeveless shirts or dresses, hats, or


A school photo will be used if a senior portrait is not submitted by the due date above and for
photos submitted that do not conform to the above guidelines.




You are about to embark upon your child’s last year of high school and a time that will be
remembered by him/her for a lifetime! The yearbook staff would like to offer you an
opportunity to contribute to these memories by creating a special space dedicated to your
senior son/daughter in this year’s yearbook, The Berry Bush.


This space may include senior pictures, baby pictures, pictures from the past and/or present, a
letter, and/or an inspirational quote. Provide what you would like in your ad to Mrs. Corbett via
print or email at and an ad will be created for you. Any original
photographs submitted will be returned within three days of receipt. Sample ads from last
year’s yearbook are attached. Prices and sizes for senior ads are:

  • Quarter page – $50.00
  • Half page – $100.00
  • Full page – $200.00


The deadline for submitting your ad is Thursday, November 30, 2023. All ads must be paid in
full by the due date. Please feel free to e-mail or call Mrs. Corbett at (814) 676-8504, Extension
2523, if you have any questions.